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Showing posts with label female. Show all posts
Showing posts with label female. Show all posts

Monday 8 June 2020

Hindu Dharma says "Female should be protected by Male" Is this correct?.. Let's Analyse

Stay loyal to your Employer:
This advice may seem unfair to the job seeker (employee)

When you start your own business, you will understand "this is fair ask".

Don't disrespect your father's word:
You will not understand when you are child.

When you become father, you will understand "this is fair ask".

Always Speak Truth:
You won't understand till you speak lie.

When other people tells lie against you, you will understand the truth behind this

Don't Drink:
You will not understand when you drink.

You will understand when your son drinks and spoil himself and others

Female should be protected by male:
Till marriage, father or guardian protects her
After marriage, husband protects her.
At old age, son protects her.
Women should not be left free:

Women will think that "this idea is written by male dominated society" to demean women and her freedom.

When a girl live without a father presence, she will understand the truth behind this statement

When a young woman live without a husband, she will understand the truth behind this statement

When a old woman live without a son, she will understand the truth behind this statement.

Follow Hindu Dharma. because all our Dharma guides the human community.