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Showing posts with label outsiders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outsiders. Show all posts

Friday 28 June 2019

Short Story on Hindu Dharma..and about Outsiders....Introspect our history.

Bharat Nation - Before 947AD

Man 1: Ganesha is my god. Who is your god?

Man 2: Murugan is my god. Who is your god?

Man 3: Vishnu is my god. Who is your god?

Man 4: The god is Jyothi Swaroop. God is everywhere. I follow Advaita principle. Who is your god?

Man 5: Shivaya Namaha. Shiva is my god. Who is your god?

Man 6: My Parents are My God.

Man 7: I don't believe in God.

Everyone worshiped with their own believes.
Kings built temple for everyone, according to their believes.
Everyone had Divine Thoughts, but none had an intention to fight "In the name of God". 

Even if Kings fight with other kingdom, they fought in seperate battle field and never attacked common people, or destroyed temples or loot temple's wealth.

When Chola king conquered till Kasi, When Chandragupta Maurya ruled till Iraq, they never destroyed temples of other believes.
A King who worship Lord Shiva, never showed hatred to destroy Narayan Temple.
It was the world without quarrels.

The kings were focusing happily on development and security of their people and kingdom. 

Everyone in Bharat Land, lived peacefully in the Dharma which is Sanatana (A disciplined Rule which exist for a limitless period in this holy Bharat Land).

Bharat Nation - Ghori Dynasty Entrance After 947AD

Man 8: God is there. You have to trust him. Do not simulate him. Do not idolize him. Our Scripture is the only true holy book which tells us what God want from us. 
Everyone must accept his teaching, without raising question as mentioned in our Holy book. what about your belief in God?

Man 1: Ganesha is my god. Who is your god?

Man 2: Murugan is my god. Who is your god?

Man 3: Vishnu is my god. Who is your god?

Man 4: The god is Jyothi Swaroop. God is everywhere. I follow Advaita principle. Who is your god?

Man 5: Shivaya Namaha. Shiva is my god. Who is your god?

Man 6: My Parents are My God.

Man 7: I don't believe in God.

Man 8: Not acceptable. We cannot accept your worship of God with names and building a temple for the God. All of you will go to hell. Either hold on to my beliefs or We will try to destroy you or your belief. We will use any options to achieve this, by using sword and threat.

With the Entry of these outsider called Man 8, Everyone's worship got obstructed.

Man 8 attacked kings and attacked and killed common people, destroyed temples and looted golds to his country.
Bharat Land started encountering, fights "In the name of God" by these outsiders.

Instead of Working on People and Kingdom's growth and security, Kings ended up fighting with these barbarian outsiders who were fighting "In the Name of God" to impose their believes.

Land Of Bharat People who lived in Harmony with their own believe under the Vedic Sanathana Dharma were identified by these outsiders as "Sindhus" when they cross Sindhu River from Western World.  
These Outsiders with their Western Accent were unable to pronounce names existed in Bharat Land. They tried to refer all Bharat people as "Sindhus" and but ended up twisting this word to "Hindus", "Indus", "Indos" etc.,

Yes, "Hindus" is the name given by outsiders to People in Bharat Land who lived under Sanathana Dharma. 
Indus a twisted name by these outsiders became our country name as INDIA by British when they left us by splitting Bharat Land into 2 parts. Though our country name is still Bharat, we still accept this Twisted name called "INDIA" which is recognized now in outside world as well, even after we got independence. 
People of Bharat Land wisely agreed these twisted names, even though it does not have any meaning.

If Outsiders says "Hindus" is a word which does not exist 1000yrs before, the name Hindus or Hindu religion should be removed", 
we can agree and should be renamed to Vedic Religion or Rishi Religion. 
if Nation name can also change from INDIA to Bharat as well, it would be great revival for Land of Bharat to get a meaningful name.  

If outsiders want to remove word Hindus, People of Bharat are happy to change this to Vedic or Rishi Religion and change the Nation name INDIA to Bharat

Bharat Nation - Vasco da Gama Entrance after 1498 AD
Man 9: God exists. Roman Empire killed our God along with 2 more people around 30AD. 
You should know that he died, for us. So he will come back for us. You should believe him and Don't ask when he will come back.
If you don't believe him you will go to hell. He is the supreme God, who gave his life just for you and have great love for you. So trust him. What about your belief? 

Man 1: Ganesha is my god. Who is your god?

Man 2: Murugan is my god. Who is your god?

Man 3: Vishnu is my god. Who is your god?

Man 4: The god is Jyothi Swaroop. God is everywhere. I follow Advaita principle. Who is your god?

Man 5: Shivaya Namaha. Shiva is my god. Who is your god?

Man 6: My Parents are My God.

Man 7: I don't believe in God.

Man 8: God is there. You have to trust him. Do not simulate him. Do not idolize him. Our Scripture is the only true holy book which tells us what God want from us. 
Everyone must accept his teaching, without raising question as mentioned in our Holy book. 
Man 9 is a pure liar. He is also an idol worshiper. We cant accept a God who got killed. A murdered man cannot be a God and he wont come back.
We cannot accept the worship of God in any specific names, or by building a temple. 
All of you will go to hell. Hold on to my beliefs. Otherwise, We will try to destroy you with any options, either with sword or threat.

Man 9: Not at all .. Not at all. The scripture that man 8 says was created after our sacred book.
We don't agree with what they say. All of you, worshiping satans (devil).
You must believe our God only, who was killed and who will come back. 
You must worship Him.
We will lure you with money or shame your gods with whatever way we can, 
and somehow we will strive to undermine your confidence and belief. 
We will try to convince you to accept our God who got killed and will make you says 'he will come back for us'.  This is your duty to believe in our God.

With the Entry of 2 outsider (Man 8, Man 9), Everyone's worship got extremely obstructed. Civil Disturbance erupted not just in Land of Bharat, but entire world suffered with too many battles "In the name of God"

Both outsiders are prime enemies to each other. They Hate each other's believes and holy book and attack each other. 

These 2 outsiders, now attacked kings, attacked and killed common people and destroyed temples.

Land of Bharat encountered the Darkest period due to consistent battles in the "Name of God".

Kings who were focusing on People and Kingdom's Growth and Security, ended up fighting with these 2 barbarian outsiders for 1000 years.

People of Sanatana Dharma, so called "Hindus", can't do much on the History, which had happened. 

But atleast must take care of themselves, not falling into false religions by realizing their pride and broadmind set of Sanathana Vedic Dharma which they are part of. 
False religion instills hatred on other belief system. Its not the fault of Individuals. 
If other system had the habit of instilling hatred on other believes, Hindus must be little more cautious.
Sanathana Dharma never instilled hatred on other believes and only Hindus even today still speak in Broadmind and seeing little +ve aspects in other believes as well. 

So it is very important for Hindus not to fall in False Religions, which instills hatred in the minds of people who gets converted as well. 
More than outsiders, now a days, converts who were hindus, are more dangerous to destroy other believes.  Its not the fault of those converts, but the false religion they are in instill such hatred mindset into them. Its better to avoid such narrow mind believes and stay as Hindu which allows even an Atheist to stay in his belief.

Hindus Must Unite and understand the Broadmind set, which this Great Dharma gave us and still giving us.  
Be Proud of Hindu Dharma.

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