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Showing posts with label பண்புள்ள. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 January 2022

யார் ஆரியன்? Who is Arya / Aryan? Is it true that word "Arya" refers Brahmin? Women? Men? South Indian? North Indian? Outsider? King? Animal? Bird? Valmiki Ramayan uses this word "Arya" 126 times. Let's understand the Actual meaning of Arya

The word "Arya" refers Brahmin? Women? Someone from outside India? Animal? Men? South Indian? North Indian? King? Demon?

Valmiki Ramayan uses this word "Arya" 126 times. Let's understand the Actual meaning of Arya.

Bala KAndam (1)

गत्वा तु स महात्मानम् रामम् सत्य पराक्रमम् |

अयाचत् भ्रातरम् रामम् आर्य भाव पुरस्कृतः ||

त्वम् एव राजा धर्मज्ञ इति रामम् वचः अब्रवीत् | 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Having reached there, With humble and Noble manner, Bharata said to his brother MahAtma RAma of true prowess

The above sloka is said by Narada to Valmiki

Ayodhya KAndam (67)

समयम् च मम आर्य इमम् यदि त्वम् न करिष्यसि |

अग्रतः ते परित्यक्ता परित्यक्ष्यामि जीवितम् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O My Husband, with Noble Qualities! If you do not fulfil the agreement, it will mean I have been abandoned by you. (Therefore) I will give up my life in your presence.

The above sloka is said by Kaikeyi to Dasaratha

न रोचते मम अपि एतत् आर्ये यद् राघवो वनम् |

त्यक्त्वा राज्य श्रियम् गच्चेत् स्त्रिया वाक्य वशम् गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Lady with Noble Qualities!  I also do not like Rama to be influenced by the words of a woman and go to the forest, leaving the prosperous kingdom.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Kausalya (rama's mother)

ऊर्ध्वम् वर्ष सहस्र अन्ते प्रजा पाल्यम् अनन्तरम् |

आर्य पुत्राः करिष्यन्ति वन वासम् गते त्वयि || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O My brother of Noble Qualities! You have to rule this kingdom for 1000 years. When you decide to retire, only your sons will govern the kingdom.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Rama

आर्य पुत्र पिता माता भ्राता पुत्रः तथा स्नुषा |

स्वानि पुण्यानि भुन्जानाः स्वम् स्वम् भाग्यम् उपासते ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O my husband of Noble Qualities! Father, mother, brother, son and daughter-in-law accomplish their own good fortune, as benefitted by their own pious (good) deeds.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to Shri Rama

कौसल्या बिभृयात् आर्या सहस्रम् अपि मद् विधान् |

यस्याः सहस्रम् ग्रामाणाम् सम्प्राप्तम् उपजीवनम् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

my brother of Noble Qualities! Kausalya obtained (by grant) thousand villages , which are dependent on her. Hence, that venerable Kausalya can maintain even thousand people like me.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Rama

वसिष्ठ पुत्रम् तु सुयज्ञम् आर्यम् |

त्वम् आनय आशु प्रवरम् द्विजानाम् |

अभिप्रयास्यामि वनम् समस्तान् |

अभ्यर्च्य शिष्टान् अपरान् द्विजातीन् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

my brother of Noble Qualities! You bring the venerable Suyagna, the son of Vashishta, the best. After adoring all other brahmanas also who are cultured, I will go to the forest.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Lakshmana

सूतः चित्र रथः च आर्यः सचिवः सुचिर उषितः |

तोषय एनम् महा अर्हैः च रत्नैः वस्त्रैः धनैअः तथा ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O my brother of Noble Qualities! The charioteer called Chitraratha the companion of our venerable father was of very long standing. Gratify him with valuable gifts of great worth, with clothes, with money, with all types of small animals and with thousands of cows

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Lakshmana

सो अन्तः पुरम् अतीत्य एव स्त्रियः ता वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |

आर्यो ह्वयति वो राजा गम्यताम् तत्र माचिरम् || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Sumantra, after entering the gynoecium, spoke these words to those women as follows: "Oh, the venerable ladies! The king of Noble Qualities is calling you. Go there without delay.

The above sloka is said by Sumantra

करिष्ये सर्वम् एव अहम् आर्या यद् अनुशास्ति माम् |

अभिज्ञा अस्मि यथा भर्तुर् वर्तितव्यम् श्रुतम् च मे ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O my Mother of Noble Qualities! I shall do just all that, as your venerable self instructs me. I know how I should behave towards my husband. I have also heard about it earlier.

The above sloka is said by Sita devi to Kausalya (mother-in-law)

न माम् असज् जनेन आर्या समानयितुम् अर्हति |

धर्मात् विचलितुम् न अहम् अलम् चन्द्रात् इव प्रभा ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O my Mother of Noble Qualities! Don't equate me with those bad women! I am not capable of deviating from Dharma just as moonlight is not capable of leaving the moon!

The above sloka is said by Sita devi to Kausalya (mother-in-law)

सा अहम् एवम् गता श्रेष्ठा श्रुत धर्म पर अवरा |

आर्ये किम् अवमन्येयम् स्त्रीणाम् भर्ता हि दैवतम् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Having learned the best of the Dharma, and having conducted myself thus far, O my Mother of Noble Qualities! how could I ever disrespect him! Husband, indeed, is the god for a woman!

The above sloka is said by Sita devi to Kausalya (mother-in-law)

तव आर्ये सद् गुणैः युक्तः पुत्रः स पुरुष उत्तमः |

किम् ते विलपितेन एवम् कृपणम् रुदितेन वा || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Why are you lamenting and weeping like a helpless one? This son of yours, O My Queen of Noble Qualities! is the best among all men and endowed with all virtues!

The above sloka is said by Sumitra to Kausalya (mother-in-law)

यः तव आर्ये गतः पुत्रः त्यक्त्वा राज्यम् महा बलः |

साधु कुर्वन् महात्मानम् पितरम् सत्य वादिनाम् ||

शिष्टैः आचरिते सम्यक् शश्वत् प्रेत्य फल उदये |

रामः धर्मे स्थितः श्रेष्ठो न स शोच्यः कदाचन || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O My Queen of Noble Qualities! Your son Rāma is mighty strong. He abjured the kingdom to make his great father be known as the keeper of his word. He followed the path of all good men, a path that leads even to a better afterlife. There is nothing to be sad about that exemplary RAMA, who is firmly established in Dharma.

The above sloka is said by Sumitra to Kausalya (mother-in-law)

अदृष्ट दुह्खम् राजानम् वृद्धम् आर्यम् जित इन्द्रियम् |

ब्रूयाः त्वम् अभिवाद्य एव मम हेतोर् इदम् वचः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Offering salutations on my behalf, please tell these words to the King, My Father of Noble Qualities, who has known no sorrow and has mastery over his senses.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Sumantra

एवम् उक्त्वा तु राजानम् मातरम् च सुमन्त्र मे |

अन्याः च देवीः सहिताः कैकेयीम् च पुनः पुनः ||

आरोग्यम् ब्रूहि कौसल्याम् अथ पाद अभिवन्दनम् |

सीताया मम च आर्यस्य वचनाल् लक्ष्मणस्य च || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Sumantra! Having said this to the King, stress upon my mother, and all the other ladies including Kaikeyi, that SitA, My brother of Noble Qualities Lakshmaṇa and I make our prostrations to them and enquire about their well-being.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Sumantra

आर्या च धर्म निरता धर्मज्ञा धर्म दर्शिनी |

अरोगा च अपि कौसल्या माता रामस्य धीमतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Is the mother of the sagacious Rama, KousalyA of Noble Qualities, who knows Dharma, sees Dharma and is devoted to Dharma, in the enjoyment of good health?

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Ayodhya messenger

बलेन गुप्तः भरतः महात्मा |

सह आर्यकस्य आत्म समैः अमात्यैः |

आदाय शत्रुघ्नम् अपेत शत्रुर् |

गृहात् ययौ सिद्धैव इन्द्र लोकात् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Mahatma Bharata, whom no enemy dared to confront, started from the house of his grandfather of noble qualities, like an accomplished person from the world of Indra, taking his brother Ṡatrughna along with him, guarded by the army, and accompanied by the ministers who were comparable to him!

The above sloka is said by Valmiki about Bharata

अद्य ते कतिचित् रात्र्यः च्युतस्य आर्यक वेश्मनः |

अपि न अध्व श्रमः शीघ्रम् रथेन आपततः तव ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

How many nights has it been since you left the house of your grandfather of Noble Qualities? I hope you are not fatigued by the journey, coming on the chariot as rapidly as you did

The above sloka is said by Kaikeyi to Bharata

आर्यकः ते सुकुशलो युधा जिन् मातुलः तव |

प्रवासाच् च सुखम् पुत्र सर्वम् मे वक्तुम् अर्हसि ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Is your grand father of noble qualities doing well? Is Yudhajit, your maternal uncle doing well? Hope you were doing well while you were away there. Tell me all about it, my child!

The above sloka is said by Kaikeyi to Bharata

अद्य मे सप्तमी रात्रिः च्युतस्य आर्यक वेश्मनः |

अम्बायाः कुशली तातः युधाजिन् मातुलः च मे ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Tonight will be the seventh night after I started from the house of grandfather of Noble Qualities. Your father as well as my uncle Yudhajit are doing well.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kaikeyi

पिता हि भवति ज्येष्ठो धर्मम् आर्यस्य जानतः |

तस्य पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि स हि इदानीम् गतिर् मम || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

A man with noble qualities who knows Dharma, surely regards his elder brother as the father. I must clasp my brother's feet. He is my refuge now

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kaikeyi

धर्मविद् र्मनित्यश्च सत्य-सन्धो दृढव्रतः |

आर्ये किम् अब्रवीद् राजा पिता मे सत्य विक्रमः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

What did my Noble father the king, who know virtue , who was constantly adhere to his Dharma, who was true to his promise, who was strictly truthful, who was truly valiant and who was honorable, say?"

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kaikeyi

ननु तु आर्यो अपि धर्म आत्मा त्वयि वृत्तिम् अनुत्तमाम् |

वर्तते गुरु वृत्तिज्ञो यथा मातरि वर्तते ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Has not that noble one, that DharmAtma, my brother Rama, who knows his responsibilities towards elders, attended upon you as solicitously as upon his own mother?

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kaikeyi

आर्ये कस्मात् अजानन्तम् गर्हसे माम् अकिल्बिषम् |

विपुलाम् च मम प्रीतिम् स्थिराम् जानासि राघवे ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble Lady! why do you revile (reproach/scold) me, who is guiltless and knew nothing? You know of my unwavering and ample affection for RAghavA, right?

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

कृता शास्त्र अनुगा बुद्धिर् मा भूत् तस्य कदाचन |

सत्य संधः सताम् श्रेष्ठो यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those,  who do not have resolve to follow the vedic texts

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

प्रैष्यम् पापीयसाम् यातु सूर्यम् च प्रति मेहतु |

हन्तु पादेन गाम् सुप्ताम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let me became the slave of evils. Let the same hell reach me, who urinate in the direction of sun. Let the same hell reach me, who kicks a sleeping cow with his foot.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

कारयित्वा महत् कर्म भर्ता भृत्यम् अनर्थकम् |

अधर्मः यो अस्य सो अस्याः तु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, who compels his employee in evil deeds

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

परिपालय मानस्य राज्ञो भूतानि पुत्रवत् |

ततः तु द्रुह्यताम् पापम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those, who seek to harm a king who protects his people as his own children.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

बलि षड् भागम् उद्धृत्य नृपस्य अरक्षतः प्रजाः |

अधर्मः यो अस्य सो अस्य अस्तु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those kings, who takes the 6th part of the revenue of his people, but fails to protect them

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

संश्रुत्य च तपस्विभ्यः सत्रे वै यज्ञ दक्षिणाम् |

ताम् विप्रलपताम् पापम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those, who do not offer the promised donations to the vedic pandits in vedic rituals.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

हस्ति अश्व रथ सम्बाधे युद्धे शस्त्र समाकुले |

मा स्म कार्षीत् सताम् धर्मम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who failed to observe the code of warfare generally followed by the virtuous in a battle abundantly provided with elephants horses chariots weapons and men.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

उपदिष्टम् सुसूक्ष्म अर्थम् शास्त्रम् यत्नेन धीमता |

स नाशयतु दुष्ट आत्मा यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who forget the subtle meaning of scriptures taught with care by wise teachers.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

पायसम् कृसरम् चागम् वृथा सो अश्नातु निर्घृणः |

गुरूमः च अपि अवजानातु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who excessively and unnecessarily take milk and meat

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

पुत्रैः दारैः च भृत्यैः च स्व गृहे परिवारितः |

स एको मृष्टम् अश्नातु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who consumes delicious food for himself alone when he is surrounded by his sons, wife and servants in his house.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

उभे संध्ये शयानस्य यत् पापम् परिकल्प्यते |

तच् च पापम् भवेत् तस्य यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who sleeps at the sandhya time (at sunrise, at noon, at sunset)

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

देवतानाम् पितृऋणाम् च माता पित्रोस् तथैव च |

मा स्म कार्षीत् स शुश्रूषाम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who have not done his obligations to his parents and sires

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

सताम् लोकात् सताम् कीर्त्याः सज् जुष्टात् कर्मणः तथा |

भ्रश्यतु क्षिप्रम् अद्य एव यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

By any chance, if I had an intention to banish my noble brother to forest, let the same hell reach me, which is received by those who have fallen from the glory and deeds of cultured one.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Kausalya

अनुत्तमम् तत् वचनम् नृप आत्मज |

प्रभाषितम् संश्रवणे निशम्य च |

प्रहर्षजाः तम् प्रति बाष्प बिन्दवो |

निपेतुर् आर्य आनन नेत्र सम्भवाः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Hearing those unparalleled words uttered clear and loud by the King's son, tears of joy emerged from the eyes and rolled down the faces of the all noble Ayodhya people & ministers gathered there.

The above sloka is said by Valmiki on Ayodhya people & ministers

ताम् आर्य गण सम्पूर्णाम् भरतः प्रग्रहाम् सभाम् |

ददर्श बुद्धि सम्पन्नः पूर्ण चन्द्राम् निशाम् इव ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

The sagacious Bharata witnessed the host of nobles that filled the assembly like a full moon does the planets at night

The above sloka is said by Valmiki on Ayodhya people & ministers

आसनानि यथा न्यायम् आर्याणाम् विशताम् तदा |

अदृश्यत घन अपाये पूर्ण चन्द्रा इव शर्वरी || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

That excellent assembly hall was lit up by the splendor of the garments and the fragrances of the noble people, who occupied seats according to their respective status.

The above sloka is said by Valmiki on Ayodhya people & ministers

यदि तु आर्यम् न शक्ष्यामि विनिवर्तयितुम् वनात् |

वने तत्र एव वत्स्यामि यथा आर्यो लक्ष्मणः तथा |

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

If I am unable to bring back my elder brother from the forest, I shall stay back in that forest itself, as how the noble Lakshmana is staying now.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Ayodhya people & ministers

सर्व उपायम् तु वर्तिष्ये विनिवर्तयितुम् बलात् |

समक्षम् आर्य मिश्राणाम् साधूनाम् गुण वर्तिनाम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

I shall use every means to bring back that Noble men before you compulsorily, who is virtuous and good.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Ayodhya people & minister

प्रयाताः च आर्य सम्घाता रामम् द्रष्टुम् सलक्ष्मणम् |

तस्य एव च कथाः चित्राः कुर्वाणा हृष्ट मानसाः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Large numbers of noble Ayodhya people with their joyful hearts followed Bharata to see Rama again as also Lakshmana, recounting the marvelous exploits of that hero to each other saying:

The above sloka is said by Valmiki on Ayodhya people & minister

वसन्तम् भ्रातुर् अर्थाय शत्रुघ्नो मा अनुवत्स्यति |

लक्ष्मणेन सह तु आर्यो अयोध्याम् पालयिष्यति ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Satrughna will accompany with me while i will reside in the forest on behalf of Rama. And my Noble elder brother, Rama along with Lakshmana will protect Ayodhya.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to all his mothers.

जागर्मि न अहम् स्वपिमि तथैव आर्यम् विचिन्तयन् |

इत्य् एवम् अब्रवीद् भ्रात्रा शत्रुघ्नो अपि प्रचोदितः || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Thus urged by Bharata, his brother Shatrughna said, "No, I am not sleeping. I was awake thinking of our noble brother Rama!"

The above sloka is said by Shatrughna to Bharata

यस्याः कृते नर याघ्रौ जीव नाशम् इतो गतौ |

राजा पुत्र विहीनः च स्वर्गम् दशरथो गतः || 

क्रोधनामकृतप्रज्ञां दृप्तां सुभगमानिनीम् |

ऐश्वर्य कामाम् कैकेयीम् अनार्याम् आर्य रूपिणीम् ||

मम एताम् मातरम् विद्धि नृशंसाम् पाप निश्चयाम् |

यतो मूलम् हि पश्यामि व्यसनम् महद् आत्मनः || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

And know that this cruel, ill-tempered, arrogant and immature woman is my mother Kaikēyee, of evil intent, whose noble appearance hides her ignoble nature, who craves for riches and thinks herself to be the most beautiful, because of whom the tigers among men left.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Bharadwaja Rishi

अग्निम् संशमयतु आर्यः सीता च भजताम् गुहाम् |

सज्यम् कुरुष्व चापम् च शरामः च कवचम् तथा ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O, my brother of noble qualities! Extinguish the fire. Let Seetha occupy a hiding place. Make your bow ready with a bow-string and arrows. Wear an armour.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Rama

अत्र अहम् पुरुष व्याघ्रम् गुरु सत्कार कारिणम् |

आर्यम् द्रक्ष्यामि सम्हृष्टो महर्षिम् इव राघवम् || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Here, I can see joyfully Noble Rama, the tiger among men, who gives respect to elders and is as respected as a sage.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Shatrughna

चन्दनेन महा अर्हेण यस्य अन्गम् उपसेवितम् |

मलेन तस्य अन्गम् इदम् कथम् आर्यस्य सेव्यते ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

How could my noble brother, whose body used to be perfumed with sandal paste of rare richness, allow himself to be covered with dirt?

The above sloka is said by Bharata who spoke indistinctly, with tear choked voice to Shatrughna

दुह्ख अभितप्तो भरतो राज पुत्रो महा बलः |

उक्त्वा आर्य इति सकृद् दीनम् पुनर् न उवाच किंचन ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Scorched by grief, the highly valiant prince Bharata cried out "O, Noble One!" once and in his distress, was unable to speak anything further.

The above sloka is said by Bharata who fell down weeping

बाष्प अपिहित कण्ठः च प्रेक्ष्य रामम् यशस्विनम् |

आर्य इत्य् एव अभिसम्क्रुश्य व्याहर्तुम् न अशकत् ततः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Crying at the top of his voice, "O, Noble One" only, on seeing the illustrious Rama, he was unable to speak further, his throat choked with tears.

The above sloka is said by Bharata who was weeping by seeing Shri Ram

सा तात कच्चिच् च कौसल्या सुमित्रा च प्रजावती |

सुखिनी कच्चिद् आर्या च देवी नन्दति कैकयी ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

My Dear Child! I trust KousalyA and SumitrA, the mothers of blessed sons, are doing well, and the noble lady Kaikeyi is happy!.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Bharata

कच्चिद् आर्यो विशुद्ध आत्मा क्षारितः चोर कर्मणा |

अपृष्टः शास्त्र कुशलैर् न लोभाद् बध्यते शुचिः || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

I trust that no man of noble descent, of clean character and clean intentions who is alleged of wrongdoing, is killed before due interrogation by the experts in Ṡastras, propelled by ulterior motives!

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Bharata

आर्यम् तातः परित्यज्य कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम् |

गतः स्वर्गम् महा बाहुः पुत्र शोक अभिपीडितः || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

The mighty armed Father, after doing the most difficult of tasks of abjuring you, the noble one had left to Heaven, tormented by the grief for his son.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Shri Rama

यत्र अहम् अपि तेन एव नियुक्तः पुण्य कर्मणा |

तत्र एव अहम् करिष्यामि पितुर् आर्यस्य शासनम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Wherever he, our noble father, the one of great deeds, ordered me to be, there alone shall I fulfill his command.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Bharata 

अद्य आर्य मुदिताः सन्तु सुहृदः ते अभिषेचने |

अद्य भीताः पालयन्ताम् दुर्हृदः ते दिशो दश ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O noble Brother ! May your friends rejoice with your crowning and may your adversaries, terrified flee in the ten directions!.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Shri Rama

साधु राघव मा भूत् ते बुद्धिर् एवम् निरर्थका |

प्राकृतस्य नरस्य इव आर्य बुद्धेः तपस्विनः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Nice, Raghava, nice! Being the noble and intellect one that you are, Hope you would not entertain nonsense thoughts like a common man

The above sloka is said by Jabali to Shri Rama

अनारयः तु आर्य सम्काशः शौचाद्द् हीनः तथा शुचिः |

लक्षण्यवद् अलक्षण्यो दुह्शीलः शीलवान् इव ||

अधर्मम् धर्म वेषेण यदि इमम् लोक सम्करम् |

अभिपत्स्ये शुभम् हित्वा क्रिया विधि विवर्जितम् ||

कः चेतयानः पुरुषः कार्य अकार्य विचक्षणः |

बहु मंस्यति माम् लोके दुर्वृत्तम् लोक दूषणम् |

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

which man of sense, who knows what is proper and what is not, in this world, would respect me, if I am ignoble resembling as noble, bereft of honesty, impure, having no good qualities but appearing like the one having good qualities, ill-behaved but appearing as well-behaved abandoning righteousness and getting hold of unrighteousness in the guise of piety, creating confusion in the world and disregarding rules of conduct.

The above sloka is said by Shri Rama to Jabali

इह मे स्थण्डिले शीघ्रम् कुशान् आस्तर सारथे |

आर्यम् प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यामि यावन् मे न प्रसीदति ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O charioteer! Spread Darbha grass quick here, on the ground. I shall sit here in protest, till my noble brother takes pity on me.

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Charioteer

आसीनः तु एव भरतः पौर जानपदम् जनम् |

उवाच सर्वतः प्रेक्ष्य किम् आर्यम् न अनुशासथ ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Still sitting in the same posture, Bharata looked at the citizens and rural folk around on all sides and asked them why they were not entreating his noble brother to return?

The above sloka is said by Bharata

न याचे पितरम् राज्यम् न अनुशासामि मातरम् |

आर्यम् परम धर्मज्नम् अभिजानामि राघवम् || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Neither did I ask my father for the kingdom, nor did I urge my mother, nor did I give my assent to RAghava the noble hero, who knows his duty very well.

The above sloka is said by Bharata while touching water

अधिरोह आर्य पादाभ्याम् पादुके हेम भूषिते |

एते हि सर्व लोकस्य योग क्षेमम् विधास्यतः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O, Noble brother! Please place your feet in these gold covered sandals. And they will take care of the gain and security to all the people!

The above sloka is said by Bharata to Shri Rama

न एतच् चित्रम् नर व्याघ्र शील वृत्तवताम् वर |

यद् आर्यम् त्वयि तिष्ठेत् तु निम्ने वृष्टिम् इव उदकम् || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Bharata the Tiger among men and excellent among those having virtue and good conduct! It is no surprise that such noble qualities is lodged in you, like water that is poured down settles at the lowest spot!.

The above sloka is said by Bharadvaja to Bharata

नित्यम् ते बन्धु लुब्धस्य तिष्ठतो भ्रातृ सौहृदे |

आर्य मार्गम् प्रपन्नस्य न अनुमन्येत कः पुमान् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Bharata! You cherish your kin, your love for your brothers is unshakable and you have taken the path of the nobles. Who would not regard you?

The above sloka is said by Vashishta to Bharata

दुह्शीलः काम वृत्तो वा धनैर् वा परिवर्जितः |

स्त्रीणाम् आर्य स्वभावानाम् परमम् दैवतम् पतिः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Regardless of whether he is ill-behaved or un-principled or penniless, husband is the ultimate for a woman of noble character

The above sloka is said by Anasuya to Sitadevi

न एतद् आश्चर्यम् आर्याया यन् माम् त्वम् अनुभाषसे |

विदितम् तु मम अप्य् एतद् यथा नार्याः पतिर् गुरुः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

It is not a surprise that a noble woman like a you, talk to me like this, for, I know well that a husband is a respectable person for a woman.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to Anasuya

यद्य् अप्य् एष भवेद् भर्ता मम आर्ये वृत्त वर्जितः |

अद्वैधम् उपवर्तव्यः तथा अप्य् एष मया भवेत् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O, Noble woman! Even if my husband be without fortune, he should unhesitatingly be obeyed by me.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to Anasuya

Aranya KAndam (17)

दत्त्वा अभयम् च अपि तपो धनानाम्

धर्मे धृइत आत्मा सह लक्ष्मणेन |

तपो धनैः च अपि सह आर्य दत्तः

सुतीक्ष्णम् एव अभिजगाम वीरः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Thus giving his assurance to the sages, that valiant Rama who is firmly virtue-souled, journeyed towards Sage Suteekshna with Lakshmana and the sages, and along with the one given by Noble Father-in-law Janaka, namely Seetha.

The above sloka is said by Valmiki after Shriram promised to protect Sages

संत्यज्य विविधान् भोगान् आर्यम् सर्वात्मना आश्रितः || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Bharata had renounced many comforts, and bonded his whole soul to you, his noble elder

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Rama

कथम् दासस्य मे दासी भार्या भवितुम् इच्छ्हसि |

सो अहम् आर्येण परवान् भ्रात्रा कमल वर्णिनी ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

How you wish to become a female servant, oh, lotus-coloured one, by becoming the wife of a servant like me? I am just a slave of my noble brother. 

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Surpanaka

समृद्ध अर्थस्य सिद्धार्था मुदित अमल वर्णिनी |

आर्यस्य त्वम् विशालाक्षि भार्या भव यवीयसी |

Here, Arya means - Noble Quality

O woman of wide eyes and spotless complexion! Become the younger wife of my Noble brother, you too will achieve your means and thus you will be happy

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Surpanaka

आहूय आहूय च पुनः तम् मृगम् साधु वीक्षते |

आगच्छ आगच्छ शीघ्रम् वै आर्यपुत्र सह अनुज || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

"O, Noble Prince, come here" thus she called her husband and looked at the deer, and again she called, "really come with your younger brother quickly," and again gazed at the deer, and thus she oftentimes called and oftentimes saw the deer fondly.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to ShriRam

आर्यपुत्र अभिरामो असौ मृगो हरति मे मनः |

आनय एनम् महाबाहो क्रीडार्थम् नः भविष्यति ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Oh, nobleman's son, that delightful deer is stealing my heart. O, Skilled one, bring it round, it will be our plaything.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to ShriRam

भरतस्य आर्यपुत्रस्य श्वश्रूणाम् मम च प्रभो |

मृग रूपम् इदम् दिव्यम् विस्मयम् जनयिष्यति ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)y

Oh, lord! the form of this deer creates an excellent jubilation to Bharata, to you the son of the Nobleman, to my mothers-in-law, and also to me in palace-chambers

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to ShriRam

तस्मिन् संभ्रियमाणे तु राघवस्य अभिषेचने |

कैकेयी नाम भर्तारम् मम आर्या याचते वरम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

When Raghava's anointment was being organised, my noble mother-in-law known as Kaikeyi begged her husband Dasharatha for a boon

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to Ravana

काम स्वभावो यः सः असौ न शक्यः तम् प्रमार्जितुम् |

न हि दुष्ट आत्मनाम् आर्यम् आवसति आलये चिरम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

It is truly impossible to erase in full what is in one’s natural bent. Nobility would not last long in the house of evil-minded person..

The above sloka is said by Jatayu to Ravana

आर्येण एव परिक्रुष्टम् - पराक्रुष्टम् - हा सीते लक्ष्मण इति च |

परित्राहि इति यत् वाक्यम् मैथिल्याः तत् श्रुतिम् गतम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble Brother !  The cry of ‘Haa SeethA, Haa LakshmaṇA, save me!’ in your voice was heard by Maithili

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Ram

विगर्हितम् च नीचम् च कथम् आर्यो अभिधास्यति |

त्राहि इति वचनम् सीते यः त्रायेत् त्रिदशान् अपि ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

I told, "O SeetA! How could the noble Ram, can utter such base and despicable words (save me! haa sita haa lakshmana), who can safeguard even gods"

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Ram

हा मम आर्ये क्व याता असि हा साध्वि वर वर्णिनि |

हा स कामा अद्य कैकेयी देवि मे अद्य भविष्यति ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Ha! My Noble lady, where have you strayed out? Ha! Chastely and best complexioned lady, now the ambition of my queen mother Kaikeyi will be fulfilled, as I breath my last owing to your straying.

The above sloka is said by Shri Ram crying to Lakshmana

सा नूनम् आर्या मम राक्षसेन हि

अभ्याहृता खम् समुपेत्य भीरुः |

अपस्वरम् सु स्वर विप्रलापा

भयेन विक्रन्दितवति अभीक्ष्णम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Lakshmana! My noble woman might be abducted by a demon Rakshasa, and on reaching the sky that lady who converses with a sweet voice might have wept a lot fearfully, and it is definite that she must have shouted a lot, untunefully. 

The above sloka is said by Shri Ram crying to Lakshmana

शोकम् विमुंच आर्य धृतिम् भजस्व 

सह उत्साहता च अस्तु विमार्गणे अस्याः |

उत्साहवन्तो हि नरा न लोके

सीदन्ति कर्मसु अति दुष्करेषु || 

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O noble prince! Give up grief. Take courage. Show enthusiasm to search and find Sita. Enthusiastic people will not lose courage in carrying out the most difficult tasks

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

क्व सीत इति त्वया पृष्टा यथा इमे सहसा उथिताः |

दर्शयन्ति क्षितिम् चैव दक्षिणाम् च दिशम् मृगाः ||

सधु गच्छावहे देव दिशम् एताम् च नैर्ऋतीम् |

यदि तस्य आगमः कश्चित् आर्या वा सा अथ लक्ष्यते ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O lord! These deer are indicating the land on the southern side. Therefore it will be proper for both of us to proceed in the southwestern direction. Maybe we will get some clue or find that Noble Sita.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

किम् निमित्तो जहार आर्याम् रावणः तस्य किम् मया |

अपराधम् तु यम् दृष्ट्वा रावणेन हृता प्रिया ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

What is the reason for RAvana in stealing my noble woman, and even what is the wrong I have committed in his respect? keeping which in view that Ravana stole my ladylove.

The above sloka is said by Shriram to Jatayu

तस्मात् सज्जी भव आर्य त्वम् कुरुष्व वचनम् हितम् |

मम एव हि निमित्तानि सद्यः शंसन्ति संभ्रमम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O noble brother! Be alert. Heed my words of good advice. The bad omens I see a sign of warning of some undesirable events.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

Kishkindha Kandam (12)

स्वास्थ्यम् भद्रम् भजस्व आर्यः त्यजताम् कृपणा मतिः |

अर्थो हि नष्ट कार्यार्थैः न अयत्ने न अधिगम्यते ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble Prince! Be blessed. Maintain composure. Without making any effort, it is not possible to achieve the objective and recoup loss.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

उत्साहो बलवान् आर्य नास्ति उत्साहात् परम् बलम् |

सः उत्साहस्य हि लोकेषु न किंचित् अपि दुर्लभम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Enthusiasm is might, oh, noble prince! there is no superior might than enthusiasm. For a person who is enthusiastic, there is no impossibility in the world,... even the slightest.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

आर्येण मम मान्धात्रा व्यसनम् घोरम् ईप्सितम् |

श्रमणेन कृते पापे यथा पापम् कृतम् त्वया ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

When a renouncer has committed sin like that of the one committed by you, my Noble ancestor Maandhaata has given the due harsh punishment.

The above sloka is said by Shriram to Vali

सुप्ता इव पुनर् उत्थाय आर्य पुत्र इति वादिनी |

रुरोद सा पतिम् दृष्ट्वा सम्वीतम् मृत्यु दामभिः ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Tara got up again, as if she woke up from sleep. addressing her See her husband garlanded with death, addressed him ""oh, nobleman's son" and lamented.

The above sloka is said by Tara to Vali nearing his death

रूप यौवन दृप्तानाम् दक्षिणानाम् च मानद |

नूनम् अप्सरसाम् आर्य चित्तानि प्रमथिष्यसि ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Oh, honorable ! Apsaras, the celestial dancers, are proud of their beauty, youthfulness, and expertise in romance. oh, Noble one! You can stir up their minds of the kindhearted celestial nymphs by your bravery, definite is that.

The above sloka is said by Tara to Vali nearing his death

भ्रातृत्वम् आर्य भावः च धर्मः च अनेन रक्षितः |

मया क्रोधः च कामः च कपित्वम् च प्रदर्शितम् ||

Here, Arya means Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான  (பண்புள்ள)

Oh! My brother Vali, showed nobility, a feeling of respect, brotherliness to me by my brother. But I exhibited wrath, passion and frivolity, the nature of the monkey.

The above sloka is said by Sugriva to Vali

तस्य इन्द्र कल्पस्य दुरासदस्य महानुभावस्य समीपम् आर्या |

आर्त अति तूर्णम् व्यसनम् प्रपन्ना जगाम तारा परिविह्वलन्ती ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Noble Tara, desperate, agonised, totally shaken up, quickly went near the magnanimous Rama, who was like Indra unapproachable by his enemies.

The above sloka is said by Valmiki about Tara

आज्ञापयत् तदा राजा सुग्रीवः प्लवग ईश्वरः |

और्ध्व देहिकम् आर्यस्य क्रियताम् अनुरूपतः || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

King Sugriva, lord of the monkeys, said, 'Let the funeral rites of my noble brother be performed in a fitting manner'

The above sloka is said by Sugriva to his Vanara troops

किम् आर्य कामस्य वशम् गतेन

किम् आत्म पौरुष्य पराभवेन |

अयम् ह्रिया संह्रियते समाधिः

किम् अत्र योगेन निवर्तितेन || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble brother! Why do you succumb to passion and loss of self-confidence? Why is the usual composure of your mind withdrawn? Why do you abstain from your goal?

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shriram

न हि वै त्वत् विधो लोके पापम् एवम् समाचरेत् |

कोपम् आर्येण यो हन्ति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Lakshmana ! Certainly a man like you shall not commit this sort of sin (to kill Sugriva for his delay). He who by his noble gesture, kills his own anger is a real hero and only he is considered as best among men." Thus Rama is saying to Lakshmana.

The above sloka is said by Shriram to Lakshmana

तस्मिन् पापे कृतघ्ने तु स्मृति भिन्ने चल आत्मनि |

आर्यः को विश्वसेत् जातु तत् कुलीनो विशेषतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Frustrated of not able to find Sita Devi, Angada got angry on Sugriva.

Sugriva is a sinner and an ungrateful person as he does not remember others' help. He is fickleminded. Which respectable person will believe him? Which member of his family will wish to live?

The above sloka is said by Angada to Hanuman

बभूवुः ऋक्षरजो नाम वानरेन्द्रः प्रतापवान् |

मम आर्यः पार्थिवः पक्षिन् धार्मिकौ तस्य च आत्मजौ ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O, powerful bird! My noble grandfather is known as Rikshaja who was a glorious king of monkey. 

The above sloka is said by Angada to Sampaati

Sundara KAndam (17)

अनेन नूनम् प्रतिदुष्ट कर्मणा |

हता भवेद् आर्य-पथे परे स्थिता ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

hanuman thought sitadevi must have died.. when he could not identify her!

Janaki, follower of noble path! in preserving her character, must have been killed by the king of these Rakshasas, who performed evil deeds - this is certain

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

मन्ये पतितम् आर्याया हृदयम् प्रेक्ष्य सागरम् 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

I think the heart of the noble Seetha must have sunk at the site of the ocean

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

तया मन्ये विशाल-अक्ष्या त्यक्तम् जीवितम् आर्यया 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

I think the wide eyed noble Seetha must have  given up her life

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

द्रक्ष्ये तद् आर्या वदनम् कदा न्व् अहम् |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

When will I see that noble women face?

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

विक्रान्तस्य आर्य शीलस्य सम्युगेषु अनिवर्तिनः |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

She is the famed eldest daughter-in-law of king Dasaratha who is  valorous one and Noble men! in the battle who never turned back! 

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

अशोभत आर्या वदनेन शुक्ले |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Splendid esteemed lady  looked handsome with her beautiful face

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to himself

स तव अदर्शनात् आर्ये राघवः परितप्यते |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

As you were being unseen, Nobel Rama was tormented

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Sitadevi

तव अदर्शनजेन आर्ये शोकेन स परिप्लुतः |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Caused by your non-appearance Nobel Rama is full of grief 

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Sitadevi

यम् दृष्ट्वा राघवो न एव वृद्धम् आर्यम् अनुस्मरत् |

स मम अर्थाय कुशलम् वक्तव्यो वचनान् मम ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

By the care and support given by Lakshmana like a father, Rama did not even felt missing his father, the noble king Dasaratha during exile. Do convey my words about his wellbeing on my behalf.

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi to Hanuman

शैल अम्बुद निकाशानाम् लन्का मलय सानुषु |

नर्दताम् कपि मुख्यानाम् आर्ये यूथानि अनेकशः || 

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble lady! You will see many troops of excellent monkeys resembling hills and clouds, thundering on the peaks of Malaya mountain in Lanka.

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Sitadevi 

यदि माम् तारयति आर्यः सुग्रीवः सत्य सम्गरः |

अस्मात् दुह्खान् महाबाहुः शीतो भव हनूमतः ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

If Noble Sugriva is true to his promise to fight (for me), if he should be able to rescue me from this ocean of agony, let the fire be cool over hanuman

The above sloka is said by Sitadevi on hanuman

यदि दग्धा तु इयम् लन्का नूनम् आर्या अपि जानकी |

दग्धा तेन मया भर्तुः हतम् कार्यम् अजानता ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

If this Lanka is burnt, even noble Janaki is burnt, my master's work is spoilt by me unknowingly

The above sloka is said by Distressed Hanuman on Sitadevi

यत् वा दहन कर्मा अयम् सर्वत्र प्रभुः अव्ययः |

न मे दहति लान्गूलम् कथम् आर्याम् प्रधक्ष्यति ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

This fire, which spreads everywhere without any hindrance, is not burning my tail. How can it burn the Noble Seetha?

The above sloka is said by Hanuman on Sitadevi

प्रणम्य शिरसा देवीम् अहम् आर्याम् अनिन्दिताम् |

राघवस्य मनो ह्लादम् अभिज्ञानम् अयाचिषम् ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Then bowing down I saluted the noble and blameless queen Sita to give a signet, which would be very pleasing to Rama

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Jambavan and Vanara troops

आर्य लक्ष्मण सम्प्राह वीरो दधि मुखः कपिः |

अन्गद प्रमुखैः वीरैः भक्षितम् मधु वानरैः ||

विचित्य दक्षिणामाशामागतैर्हरिपुङ्गवैः |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O Noble Lakshmana! Dadhimukha, the valiant monkey is informing that the foremost of monkeys, who returned from the southern direction, after searching for Seetha as also Angada and other heroes consumed fruits and honey at his place

The above sloka is said by Sugriva to Lakshmana

वैदेह्या वचनम् श्रुत्वा करुणम् साश्रु भाषितम् ||

पुनः अपि अहम् आर्याम् ताम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रुवम् |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Hearing the miserable words of Seetha spoken with tears, I again spoke to that noble Seetha the following words:

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Shri Ram

एतत् तव आर्या नृप राज सिम्ह |

सीता वचः प्राह विषाद पूर्वम् |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O lion among kings! Noble Sita has spoken these words in grief: 'Make him know all this and tell him that Sita is faithful and safe in all respects.'

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Shri Ram

Yuddha KAndam (12)

एवम् आर्य समीक्ष्य एतान् प्रीतो भवितुम् अर्हसि |

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Oh Noble brother! Be pleased to see these good omens in this manner."

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Ram

मन्त्र मूलम् हि विजयम् प्राहुर् आर्या मनस्विनः ||  

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Nobel Wise-men say that victory is dependent on good forethought

The above sloka is said by Ravana to his rAkshasa group

किम् अत्र चित्रम् धर्मज्ञ लोक नाथ शिखा मणे |

यत् त्वम् आर्यम् प्रभाषेथाः सत्त्ववान् सपथे स्थितः ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

There is no surprise, O knower of righteousness! O crest jewel among all lords of men! that you, who is so powerful and so firmly established in the path of righteousness, speak so nobly!

The above sloka is said by Sugriva to Shri Ram

सुग्रीवः पण्डितो नित्यम् भवान् मन्त्र विचक्षणः |

उभाभ्याम् सम्प्रधार्य आर्यम् रोचते यत् तद् उच्यताम् ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Lakshmana ! Sugreeva is very mature and knowledgeable. You are good at deliberation, at any time. Both of you consider nobly on this matter carefully and let me know what you feel.

The above sloka is said by Shri Ram to Lakshmana & Sugriva

विजयस्व आर्य पुत्र इति सो अभिवाद्य प्रसाद्य च |

न्यवेदयद् अनुप्राप्तम् प्रहस्तम् वाहिनी पतिम् ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

"May you be victorious, O noble Lord!" the royal guard of Ravana respectfully announced and informed that Prahasta the army chief had come at the door.

The above sloka is said by Royal Guard to Ravana while he cheated Sita with an magical head of Shri Rama as if he killed.

आर्येण किम् नु कैकेय्याः कृतम् रामेण विप्रियम् |

यन्मया चीर वसनस् तया प्रस्थापितो वनम् ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

What did the noble RAma do to offend you, O Kaikeyi ! that made you exile him to the forest clad in tree bark along with me?

The above sloka is said by crying Sitadevi thinking that Shri Ram was killed by Ravana

अहम् दाशरथेनोढा मोहात्स्वकुपांसनी |

आर्यपुत्रस्य रामस्य भार्या मृत्युरजायत ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

The son of Dasaratha married a destroyer of race like me due to ignorance. The wife of RAma of noble lineage, has eventually proved to be the cause for his death, an Nobleman's Son.

The above sloka is said by crying Sitadevi thinking that Shri Ram was killed by Ravana

कामम् आर्यह् सुपर्याप्तो वधाय अस्य दुरात्मनह् |

विधमिष्याम्य् अहम् नीचम् अनुजानीहि माम् विभो || -  Yuddha Kanda

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O, noble Brother! Of my own interest, I am able to kill this wretched Ravana. O, Lord! I shall slay him. Permit me to do so.

ஓ, உன்னத சகோதரா! என் சொந்த விருப்பத்தின் பேரில், இந்த கேடுகெட்ட ராவணனை என்னால் கொல்ல முடியும்

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Rama

आर्यपुत्रौ अतिक्रम्य कस्मात् पृच्छसि मारुतिम् ।

नैव राजनि सुग्रीवे नाङ्गदे नापि राघवे ।

आर्य सन्दर्शितः स्नेहो यथा वायुसुते परः ॥

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Why do you enquire about Hanuman, passing over the Noble son of Dasaratha? O Noble one! The exceptional affection, you are showing towards Hanuma, is not being even shown towards Sugreeva or Angada or even Rama?.

உன்னதமானவரே! சுக்ரீவன், அங்கதன், ராமபிரானிடத்தில் கூட இத்தனை பரிவு காட்டாமல், நீங்கள் ஹநுமானிடம் இத்தனை பரிவு காட்டுகிறீர்களே?

இவ்வாறு விபீஷணன் ஜாம்பவானிடம் கேட்டான்

The above sloka is said by Vibhishana to Jambhavan

यदि वधम् इच्छसि रावणस्य सङ्ख्ये

यदि च कृतां हि त्व इच्छसि प्रतिज्ञाम् ।

यदि तव राजसुताभिलाष आर्य |

कुरु च वचो मम शीग्रमद्य वीर ||

Here, Arya means  - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O noble and valiant one! If you wish to kill Ravana in battle, if you wish to fulfill your promise and if you feel affectionate towards Seetha, do as I tell you soon and now.

The above sloka is said by Lakshmana to Shri Ram

स्थितेन राज्ञो वचने यथा राज्यं विसर्जितम्

आर्यस्य पादुके गृह्य यथासि पुनरागतः ।

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

O lord of mighty arm Bharata ! You already know very well how Raghava the Noble, Abiding by the word of the king, abjured the kingdom.  Also, You already know very well how you returned back to Ayodhya taking the sandals of the noble one.

The above sloka is said by Hanuman to Bharata

द्विजातिमुख्यै: धर्मात्मा श्रेणीमुख्यैः सनैगमैः |

माल्य मोदक हस्तै: च मन्त्रिभि: भरतो वृतः |

शङ्ख भेरीनिनादैश्च बन्दिभि: च अभिवन्दितः |

आर्यपादौ गृहीत्वा तु शिरसा धर्मकोविदः |

पाण्डुरं छत्रम् आदाय शुक्ल-माल्योप शोभितम् |

शुक्ले च वालव्यजने राजार्हे हेमभूषिते |

उपवासकृशो दीन: चीर कृष्णाजिनाम्बरः |

भ्रातु: आगमनं श्रुत्वा तत्पूर्वं हर्षम् आगतः |

प्रत्युद्ययौ तदा रामं महात्मा सचिवैः सह ||

Here, Arya means - Excellence (noble) / உன்னதமான (பண்புள்ள)

Placing the sandals of the noble brother Shri Rama on his head, taking priceless, gold-decked, white fly-whisks that were worthy of a king and a white umbrella decked with white garlands, Bharata, the knower of Dharma (right & wrong), who was downcast and had withered with fasting and had the first flicker of happiness in a long time only a while ago upon hearing the news of the arrival of his brother, went to receive Mahātma Rāma, clad in tree bark and deer skin, accompanied by the blare of conches and the blast of kettledrums, and the praises of the panegyrists, along with the ministers, the foremost of the Brāhmaṇas, the chiefs of business guilds, the heads of business houses and counselors carrying sweets and bouquets

The above sloka is said by Valmiki on Bharata readiness to welcome Shri Ram.

Jai Noble Ram   Jai Noble Ram   Jai Noble Ram

Jai Shri Ram   Jai Shri Ram   Jai Shri Ram